
Case Chronology

As a tool for readers, I am putting the case in chronological form. All supporting documents can be found within the referenced articles.

Chronology of Case

Aug 2002         Melinda moves from Lockport New York to live with grandparents in Florida

Jan 2003           Melinda meets Joshua Boggs (Duckett)

Mar 2003         Mar through July 2003 Joins the Army Reserves only to withdraw due to asthma http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/09/united-states-army-reserves.html

Dec 2003         Becomes pregnant – Carla Massero threatens to get custody of baby prior to birth

Mar 2004         Melinda works as Cashier at Foodway in Bushnell till Aug 2004

June 2004        Graduates with Josh Boggs (Duckett) from South Sumter High School

Aug 2004         Melinda gives birth toTrenton John Duckett  August 10, 2004 http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/09/baby-book.html

                        Melinda moves with Trenton to apartment in Bushnell

Sept 2004         Melinda works at Dr Karen Lords Chiropractic Clinic through Nov 2004

Nov 2004         Melinda works at Webster Farm Supply through August 2005

Apr 2005         Josh Duckett leaves Bushnell apartment does not want to be family

                        Calls DCF at behest of Carla Massero to accuse Melinda of harming Trenton

                        DCF Sadie Crews and Bushnell police officer Kevin Vaughan investigate and find nothing wrong

                        Melinda files for child support

                        Carla Massero and Josh Duckett hire attorney Mary Hatcher to file for Paternity, Custody and child support from Melinda – Melinda not notified until May 2005

                        Carla Massero falsely accuses Melinda of Arson of her flower shop Loves Creations http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2010/04/bushnell-public-records-arson.html

                        Carla Massero and Josh Duckett conspire with Bushnell Police Chief Joyce Wells to entrap Melinda during phone conversation to get her to say something to have her baker acted in order to get custody of Trenton at court hearing

                        Bushnell police chief Joyce Wells baker acts Melinda and DCF takesTrenton and hands him over to Carla Massero.

                        Lifestream Psychiatric Hospital releases Melinda after doctors determined that she was not suicidal and was brought there under false pretenses

                        DCF case worker Sadie Crews calls Melinda to advise her of court hearing which would award custody to Josh Duckett and Carla Massero

                        Melinda attends hearing and Judge throws out the request for child support by Josh and Carla but gives temporary custody to Josh and Carla and gives the case to DCF

May 2005        Melinda moves from apartment in Bushnell to apartment in Leesburg

                        Melinda is not allowed to see her son Trenton on her first ever Mother’s Day. Carla Massero acts as the pretend mommy.

June 2005        Joshua leaves the arms of his mother Carla Massero and takes Trenton to Melinda’s apartment in Leesburg

                        June 12, 2005 Joshua signs affidavit with Sumter County Circuit Court stating that he lied to the court and DCF that Melinda threatened to harm Trenton and that she was a good mother, and not crazy and that it was his mother that influenced him to say it

                        Josh is not allowed to have Trenton with Melinda until DCF okays it and he moves in with a neighbor of Melinda’s grandparents Margaret Rostron and the grandparents babysat Trenton during the day http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/08/liar.html

July 2005         July 3, 2005 Melinda and Josh elope

                        July 6, 2005 Josh Duckett signs a Paternity Settlement Agreement with the Sumter County Circuit court stating that Melinda would have custody of Trenton and that he would have visitation and that this document would supercede any other document  http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-paternity-settlement-agreement-for.html

Aug 2005         August 5, 2005 Joshua Duckett files a request for a restraining order against his mother Carla Massero for harassment and bullying and for enlisting numerous people to carry out the harassment against both Josh and Melinda

                        August 10, 2005 Trenton had his first birthday and Melinda was only allowed to see him at a supervised DCF facility for one hour

Sept 2005         Melinda hired as teller at Bank of America

Oct 2005          October 7, 2005 DCF awards residential custody to Melinda and gives Josh unsupervised visitation

                        Melinda and Joshua take Christian Marriage counseling

                        October 30, 2005 Melinda and Joshua have an argument which escalates into a scuffle over car keys. Josh twists  Melinda’s arm behind her back bruising her and she scratches himwrestling to get the car keys. http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/08/mall-incident.html


Nov 2005         Nov. 1, 2005 Court in Taveres  awardsBilly and Nancy Eubank temporary custody of Trenton after a home study.

                        Nov. 4, 2005 Trenton moves in with Eubanks after living in foster home and is sick needing medication.

                        Carla and Josh report the Eubanks to the Villages HOA that a child under the age of 19 is living with them.

                        Nov. 23, 2005 Custody of Trenton is again awarded to Melinda – Josh has visitation.

                        Nov. 27 to Nov. 30, 2005 Trenton is hospitalized  with pneumonia and strep throat.

Jan 2006           Melinda loses job at Bank of America 

                         Melinda starts at TruGreen ChemLawn

                         Jan 11, 2006 Melinda signs up with MySpace

                         Jan. 31, 2006 Josh creates FuckFace Myspace account

 Feb 2006          Feb 1, 2006 At child support hearing, Court orders Josh to pay child support in the amount of $403 payable each month beginning Feb. 15th.




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