
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FDLE - Josh Duckett's Family Provide Naked Picture of Melinda

On August 28, 2006 the investigating officer received three print out pages from a website provided by Josh Duckett's family. Included, was a naked picture of Melinda Duckett in a "sexual pose".

Let me see if I "get the picture here".

Josh Duckett's son Trenton is abducted the evening before. Is Josh frantically searching for his son? Is he crying, wondering where Trenton is? Or is he digging up dirt on Melinda which he so readily had available.
It doesn't appear to me that Josh was worried about WHERE TRENTON WAS/IS. In fact, ALL THE DUCKETT FAMILY wanted was for MELINDA not to have Trenton. I don't believe they EVER cared about Trenton because if they truly cared about him, Melinda would be alive and Trenton would be visible and not hidden.

Here is the FDLE report:

I know. The picture is not a naked picture of Melinda. It's a naked picture of Josh Duckett. I suppose he left that out when he  (or maybe it was Laurie Konnerth as Duckett "family") so happily gave the info to the police.

As they say "one picture is worth a thousand words".

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

FDLE Interview: Carla Massero

The FDLE interview of Carla Massero is quite short. More than likely it is a summary of what Carla Massero testified.

Carla mentions an incident at the Plant City Strawberry Festival. Melinda was 4 months pregnant at the time. What is NOT mentioned, is that Carla Massero phoned Nancy Eubank and threatened to hire an attorney to get custody of the baby...BEFORE TRENTON  WAS EVEN BORN.

Also pictured with Carla is Jason Fort. He is the one that Melinda asked Lucas Brown for his last name to put on the Leesburg Police Report when Trenton was abducted. She told Lucas that Josh didn't have enough backbone to abduct Trenton himself and that he probably had his mother's 6'8" boyfriend do his dirty work for him.

Here is the (limited) interview:

FDLE Interview: Melissa Jones and Mike Dingus

Melissa Jones had been a friend of Melinda, they met at Leesburg High School. Melissa Jones got mixed up with selling drugs and was incarcerated.  Melinda went to visit her in prison on August 1, 2006. Melissa was crying that Melinda was the only one who came to see her, that all her other friends would have nothing to do with her. According to the "interview" it appears that Melissa was jealous of Melinda, which prompted her "testimony".

Here is their interview:

FDLE Interview: Paul Curtas

Paul Curtas (pictured here on his myspace account) is a Florida State Trooper. He was Melinda's friend who helped her on April 6, 2005 when Josh Duckett wanted to leave Melinda in Bushnell and take Trenton with him. Melinda called Curtas and asked him to come over as she wanted to stop Josh from taking Trenton to his mother's that night.

Below is the interview by FDLE which explains how Paul Curtas met Melinda.

Public Records Interview: Lucas Brown

Lucas John Brown and Melinda Duckett dated for a time in late June to early July 2006.

Here are some excerps from her myspace conversations about Lucas.

Here is the FDLE interview of Lucas Brown:

FDLE Public Records Interview: Melinda Duckett

This is the first in a series of articles pertaining to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Public records.

The Leesburg Police, as well as Josh Duckett and Nancy Grace,  mentioned many times how Melinda Duckett would NOT cooperate with the police and walked out on her interview/interrogation.

Below is the FDLE report on said interview(s)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ocoee Police Public Records October 30, 2005

Below are the  Ocoee Police Department public records regarding "the mall incident" you can read in the August 2009 archives of the blog http://www.duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/08/mall-incident.html
the handwritten account by Melinda Duckett and the DCF report of Josh Duckett's allegations.
Additionally, you can read the Lady Lake Police Department public records regarding the same incident at http://www.duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2010/02/biological-psychological-evaluation.html

Here is the account Josh gave to the Ocoee Police Department about the same incident. This to me is harassment and retaliation tactics used by Josh Duckett to abuse Melinda. Just as I state in my headline: the handful of people used DCF and the Media to do their dirty work...Melinda Duckett was set up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bushnell Police Public Records - December 27, 2005

The public records dated December 27, 2005 occurred just after Trenton visited with Josh and Carla for Christmas.  Josh had asked if he could spend Christmas with Melinda at the Eubanks home in The Villages, but Nancy Eubank had enough of his lies and told Melinda Josh was not welcome in their home.

Melinda Duckett was always concerned for the welfare of her son Trenton. It was an emotional time for her to have Trenton with the Ducketts (especially at Christmas) because of all the allegations, the false allegations, that Josh kept putting forth to DCF. He was always trying to take Trenton away from Melinda so HE would have custody and basically not have to pay child support. Melinda called the police for wellness checks on Trenton to be certain that Trenton would be returned to her. She didn't want Josh "keeping" him...away from her.

Melinda became aware that Carla's husband (Josh's step-dad) Kevin Massero had a cocaine addiction. Carla stated in the below police report that she thought Kevin had a "gambling" problem. How could she not know he was on cocaine?

Kevin was the designated person to exchange Trenton with Josh for visitations. But now that had to be changed for Trenton's welfare.

Isn't it amazing how everytime Josh Duckett accuses Melinda  "threatens to blow something up" no one else heard this statement. The statement overheard by Jeffrey Scott was because Josh Duckett put his cell phone on "speaker".  That reminds me of how Bushnell Police Chief was able to hear Melinda say she was "going to end it"...because Josh Duckett put his cell phone on "speaker".

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bushnell Public Records - the Arson

These 11 pages of public records are confusing.  The incident was at 10:11 PM on Thursday evening April 27, 2005.  This was one day before the Baker Act of Melinda. According to the records. Melinda received a phone call from her friend Heather who told her about the fire at the flower shop owned by Josh's mother Carla Boggs (Massero). Melinda drove to the shop to make sure everyone was okay. Josh told her to go back home (her apartment was only a few blocks away from the shop in Bushnell).

Don't forget that Josh and his mother had already gone to Mary Hatcher's attorney office sometime during that week and filed for custody, paternity and child support which was filed in the courts the very next day on April 28th. It was the evening of the 28th that Melinda Duckett was baker acted and sent to Lifestream in Leesburg Florida.

This report is confusing because it is really a follow up report given on December 20, 2005 when Josh and Melinda were already married and separated.  The investigating officers seem to be concerned in this report as to the accuracy of Josh Duckett's statements.  Basically he appeared to be lying.

Carla (Boggs) Massero stated that she did not have insurance on her business. But, the owner of the building, David Christensen, also owned the adjoining office...an INSURANCE COMPANY.

The witness, Jennifer Lavian, (misprint on record should be Laviano) is a cousin of Josh Duckett. Her mother is Sharon Harrelson who was listed as one of the harrassers on Carla Massero's restraining order filed by Josh Duckett (Aunt Sharon).

Doesn't it seem odd to you, as it does to me, that Josh Duckett has been able to say anything he wants and get away with it? Ms Crew from DCF and officer D. Vaughan found Josh's allegations to be "UNFOUNDED".  The following report shows how Josh and his mother would do anything to implicate Melinda in order to gain custody of Trenton. 

It's time for the Leesburg Police Department to start looking at the Ducketts for the whereabouts of Trenton. Josh and Carla have been trying everything and anything to accomplish this since April 2005. Why would they have stopped their efforts? Look at the deceit and the extent that Josh and Carla have gone to, to implicate Melinda Duckett.

Read for yourselves.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bushnell Police Public Records April 16, 2005

From the April 16th 2005 police incident report Case #2005-041320...

"Josh Duckett stated to Officer Vaughan that "he has to lie to her (Melinda) and tell her that is what he wants too (to get back together) because Mr. Duckett says he is afraid that Ms. Eubank will injure their child if he doesn't tell her what she wants to hear."