
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bushnell Public Records - the Arson

These 11 pages of public records are confusing.  The incident was at 10:11 PM on Thursday evening April 27, 2005.  This was one day before the Baker Act of Melinda. According to the records. Melinda received a phone call from her friend Heather who told her about the fire at the flower shop owned by Josh's mother Carla Boggs (Massero). Melinda drove to the shop to make sure everyone was okay. Josh told her to go back home (her apartment was only a few blocks away from the shop in Bushnell).

Don't forget that Josh and his mother had already gone to Mary Hatcher's attorney office sometime during that week and filed for custody, paternity and child support which was filed in the courts the very next day on April 28th. It was the evening of the 28th that Melinda Duckett was baker acted and sent to Lifestream in Leesburg Florida.

This report is confusing because it is really a follow up report given on December 20, 2005 when Josh and Melinda were already married and separated.  The investigating officers seem to be concerned in this report as to the accuracy of Josh Duckett's statements.  Basically he appeared to be lying.

Carla (Boggs) Massero stated that she did not have insurance on her business. But, the owner of the building, David Christensen, also owned the adjoining office...an INSURANCE COMPANY.

The witness, Jennifer Lavian, (misprint on record should be Laviano) is a cousin of Josh Duckett. Her mother is Sharon Harrelson who was listed as one of the harrassers on Carla Massero's restraining order filed by Josh Duckett (Aunt Sharon).

Doesn't it seem odd to you, as it does to me, that Josh Duckett has been able to say anything he wants and get away with it? Ms Crew from DCF and officer D. Vaughan found Josh's allegations to be "UNFOUNDED".  The following report shows how Josh and his mother would do anything to implicate Melinda in order to gain custody of Trenton. 

It's time for the Leesburg Police Department to start looking at the Ducketts for the whereabouts of Trenton. Josh and Carla have been trying everything and anything to accomplish this since April 2005. Why would they have stopped their efforts? Look at the deceit and the extent that Josh and Carla have gone to, to implicate Melinda Duckett.

Read for yourselves.


  1. Why weren't Josh & Carla arrested for filing a false police report? Do these people even realize that taxpayer money was used to investigate this nonsense?

    Regarding the two men hiding during the wellness check; That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There were so many holes in their story I wonder why the police and DCF accepted anymore of their reports. This goes to show you just how broken Florida's legal system really is.

    This may have something to do with why Carla closed her old flower shop.

  2. Sitting in a nail salon while waiting for my daughter's manicure, I notice a jar with missing children and Trenton's picture and name on it. The jar if full of cash. I wonder yet again who is profiting from Trenton's disappearance, his name, his face, and whom has legal rights to Trenton....
    I believe the Eubanks should focus their lawsuit against this facade missing children's organization and Josh who is profiting off of a child he has no rights to.

  3. Filing a false police report is a very serious crime that someone can commit. Princess_Azure raises a great point. Someone should contact a
    West Palm Beach Court Reporter. This is a very serious case that should be brought to light.

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