
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ocoee Police Public Records October 30, 2005

Below are the  Ocoee Police Department public records regarding "the mall incident" you can read in the August 2009 archives of the blog http://www.duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/08/mall-incident.html
the handwritten account by Melinda Duckett and the DCF report of Josh Duckett's allegations.
Additionally, you can read the Lady Lake Police Department public records regarding the same incident at http://www.duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2010/02/biological-psychological-evaluation.html

Here is the account Josh gave to the Ocoee Police Department about the same incident. This to me is harassment and retaliation tactics used by Josh Duckett to abuse Melinda. Just as I state in my headline: the handful of people used DCF and the Media to do their dirty work...Melinda Duckett was set up.


  1. I was reading the Melinda's timeline site about someone named Angela Aiken claiming that Melinda threatened to shoot her if she called Josh again. On the site it said Melinda admitted to making the threat but apologized and promised not to do it again.

    Was this Angela person one of the harassers Josh mentioned in the TRO?

    Here's a link to the site; http://melindastimeline.tripod.com

  2. Angela Aiken, is a misspelling of her name. Her name appears in the South Sumter High School yearbook, as Angela Akins. Akins is Bushnell Police Chief Joyce Tamara Wells' maiden name. She is NOT one of the harrassers listed on Carla Massero's TRO.

    I requested public records from Bushnell concerning this incident as well as the "bite" incident where Carla said Melinda bit her.

    Bushnell police do not have a record of either incident per records clerk Bethe Carson. In my request for all and any public records concerning Melinda Duckett, specifically naming the above incidents AND the baker act incident where Chief Joyce Wells was present listening to Josh Duckett's cell phone around midnight was declared to be "medical info". I find that hard to describe as medical, but I will pursue that further. In the meantime I have requested public records from Sumter County and Lake County and FDLE.

    FDLE has answered me and is in the process of mailing me hundreds of papers. They say there are over 1,000 pages of related material, lab results, etc. I am waiting to see what the cost will be.
