
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Melinda and Trenton Duckett's Apartment

Above is the aerial shot of Melinda Duckett's apartment, her unit #48 is marked with a red X. Notice the darkness even in "broad daylight" caused by the clump of tall trees. SR 441 is to the right of the picture past the trees, approx 100 feet. Also to the right is the Chevron Gas station that is pictured below. Notice the apartment complex across from Melinda's unit. It is facing at an angle (8 o'clock) whereas in order to view Melinda's apartment its angle would have to be at (6 o'clock). There is also a firewall that interferes with any view and there are no windows along the side of the building facing Melinda's apartment.

This is driving on SR 441 heading south before Griffin Road in Leesburg. The Chevron gas station is on the right. If you pull into the gas station and drive toward the back you will come upon the driveway leading to Melinda's apartment which is shown below. This is a quick entrance and exit with any type of vehicle, be it car, truck or motorcycle. The driveway is hidden by trees.

As you look up the driveway Trenton's window is marked with a red arrow. The blue arrow on the unit facing the 8 o'clock angle shows the firewall of that building. The remaining arrow shows the fence that people have disabled in order to have a pass through access.

This picture shows the dumpster where all the "damning evidence" was found. Items could have been tossed quickly at the same time Trenton was taken in order to implicate Melinda in Trenton's abduction, as the final set up. Melinda's apartment is far from where her car would be parked. It would be most likely that the person who said she didn't see Trenton come home with Melinda, only saw Melinda go back to her car. Very possibly,Trenton could have already been in the house and Melinda walked back to her car to get something.

This is the front view picture of Melinda's apartment. There are no street lights behind her apartment. There is a small lamppost behind the dumpster. This picture was taken in January 2007. The boat was not there when Trenton went missing.

This is a closeup of Trenton's bedroom window. The plants that Melinda planted are directly below the window. All the plants, except the one directly beneath the window are much taller. In fact the plant beneath the window looks as if it were stepped on.

Between 7 and 9 PM on August 27, 2006, whether it was one person or a handful of people, they came to kidnap Trenton from Melinda and they wanted to make it look like she did it to keep Trenton from Josh. She didn't need to keep Trenton from Josh. The court already gave her full custody and Josh visitation, that is until the email, then he had a restraining order placed upon him.

It is very easy for someone like Josh or his mother's boyfriend Jason Fort who are both well over 6 feet tall (Josh 6'4" and Jason Fort 6'6") to reach in and pull Trenton from his bed. Most likely they pulled the screen out from the window, raised the window that was already slightly opened (as Josh knew Melinda always did as a habit)then took Trenton, and put back the screen and then cut it. (Josh also knew which room was Trenton's and where she kept the bed.)

(An aside: on July 14, 2006 someone tossed two pictures of Josh on his motorcycle through Trenton's bedroom window. Trenton picked them up and brought them to his mommy. Melinda freaked out and called her grandparents and asked them to watch Trenton that evening as she was scared for his safety and she had to deliver papers that night)

It wouldn't even have to be someone who was tall. Two people could have been there. One could kneel down on one leg while the other stepped up on the extended thigh and reach in and get Trenton. I am more inclined to believe that it was at least two people or more.

I believe the screen was cut as part of the set up to implicate Melinda. Josh knew that Melinda always wore a knife on her belt. If they only removed the screen then it would not point so obviously to Melinda. So after they took Trenton, they put the screen back in the window and then cut it in three places. Down one side 10 inches, over the length of the screen and then up the other side 10 inches. The police said that all the knives they took from Melinda could not be matched to the cut in the screen. The police could not find any fabric or hairs, etc on the screen. Most likely because Trenton did not go through the screen, but through the window without the screen.

The police are adamant that the abduction was staged, but they wrongly assume it was staged by Melinda. It was staged, but it was staged to set up Melinda Duckett. For three years the police have absolutely no clues. They immediately dismissed Josh Duckett based on his lie detector test and alibi. Josh's alibi was his mother. They didn't think it necessary to give anyone else in Josh's family a lie detector test. I suppose one lie detector test covers everyone in Josh's family.

And it has always baffled me why Carla Massero would close her flower shop in Bushnell the day after Trenton went missing?
It was in Josh's words when he reported to the media that Melinda started the fire in the flower shop in April 2005:

Josh Duckett told a fire investigator on the scene that he was sure his wife had set the fire, although he later took that back. "Melinda wanted child support and stuff at that time. And if she was wanting child support, it wouldn't benefit her or anything to do anything to that because that was where my income was. That was my job. That was our life. That's where every bit of money that we had came from", Josh Duckett said.
Why would they close the flower shop? Someone needs to check this out.

And tonight when you attend the vigil in Leesburg, please notice how dark it is. Below is the picture of the vigil taken at the 2007 vigil at 8 o'clock. I title this picture Broad Daylight.

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