
Friday, August 28, 2009

Hugs: Dad/G-Pa !...James Duckett Letter to Melinda

Above are pages from Melinda's handwritten agenda. Notated on Sunday August 27 on the top line Melinda wrote "James". Nancy wrote in later "letter from James". Then on Sunday September 3rd, Melinda wrote "James", (crossed off)

Apparently, Melinda made an appointment to visit James Duckett, Josh's father who is on death row for the rape and murder of 12 year old Teresa McAbee. He had given her a copy of a book proclaiming his innocence called "The Truth Shall Set Him Free" by Jeanne Bragg. Melinda also believed in his innocence. She tried to have Josh meet with his Dad and he did so, I believe one time. Melinda had many passages marked in the book and wanted to talk to James about it, possibly help his case to be re-tried.

She was supposed to see him that Sunday, the day Trenton was abducted, but the plans were changed because James got the dates mixed up and he thought his brother was coming the same weekend, so he sent her a message not to come that Sunday. So she postponed her appointment with him. She already had a babysitter lined up (Cara Mitchell, as her grandparents were in Church). To confirm this, here is the letter she received on August 25, 2006 from James Duckett, (written on August 22, 2006 )

Here is James' letter.

If this letter is difficult to read, I have typed it out for clarity:

James A. Duckett #112232
Florida State Prison, G-wing
7819 NW 228 Street
Raiford, FLA 32026-1160

9:25 am Tues 22nd Aug '06
Good Morning!
Hope this finds you doing great & that this finds
you and the Baby both well. My Love to you both. As for me,
Oh not much to write about. Was looking forward to going
Outside this AM but for some reason they cancelled Yard.
So will go tomorrow morning I assume. Never know about
this place.
So pulled out my Headphones, got the Radio blasting
& here writing you.
Read your letter with the Great Pictures of Trenton.
Oh he is so Beautiful & looks excited over his New Toys.
Glad he had a good B-day. And thank you for sending
Me some pictures too.
Sorry to hear things have been Crazy between work &
School. Really happy you got your Financial processed & all.
I know they make you jump through hoops to get it, my friend
Debbie out West got it and tells me how much she has to do to
get it. Of course she is a Professional at living off the system.
Her husband works full-time yet she somehow manages to
Still get like 2,000 a month in Aid and free stuff. At one time
She sat on her butt at home, lived with the father of her last
Daughter who worked & still got almost 3,000 a month.
Anyway glad you got it settled & that the mess at Daycare
Too was settled. Always Something!

I bet you are still Laughing at me over the screw up last wk. How
I lost a whole wk I will never know. I was so Positive last Sunday was the 27th & worried you would drive up & not be allowed in due to Uncle Ronnie having been here on Saturday. Oh it's Hell to be old (HaHa) I do hope
To see you Sunday! Love seeing you & talking to you.
Well let me go. Take Care. Love you both.

1 comment:

  1. Quote from James' letter to Melinda dated Tuesday August 22, 2006 - Five days before Trenton was abducted: "Read your letter with the Great Pictures of Trenton.
    Oh he is so Beautiful & looks excited over his New Toys.
    Glad he had a good B-day. And thank you for sending
    Me some pictures too.
    Sorry to hear things have been Crazy between work &
    School. Really happy you got your Financial processed & all.
    I know they make you jump through hoops to get it," Melinda would have taken the pictures on Aug 14th and had them developed, then wrote a letter to James and included them. This points out that Melinda was "business as usual", taking care of her finances, etc. Where are the indicators that any investigator would find that would point to Melinda hiding or giving Trenton to someone to keep him from Josh. There are none.
