
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Ultimate Set Up? - Melinda Duckett's Suicide

Here are two pictures showing the actual crime s cene photos of the closet obtained from the public records of  the Lady Lake Police which I have lovingly doctored for the family's sake.

September 8 marks 6 years that Melinda Duckett was found in her bedroom closet by her grandmother. Everyone believed that Melinda killed herself...everyone, except those that knew the truth.

Here is a post made  by Duckett family friend Laurie Konnerth, the one who set up the Trenton Duckett Family Trust Fund, with her being the lone signatory on the account at SunTrust Bank.

Laurie Konnerth

October 18 2006 10:02 AM

I really want everyone to know that at no time, did any of us involved and mostly Josh and especially Carla, ever hated Melinda. Honestly, it was obvious very soon after Josh and Melinda started dating that she was troubled. Josh loved and wanted to help her and Carla tried her best to befriend her, but it was not to be. The moment we knew that she killed herself, which was just about 5 min. after it happened, we cried. No one, ever wanted that to happen although we knew when NG pressured her that she would feel backed into a corner and when that happened...she was capable of almost anything. I hope she has some peace now because she was not at peace while alive. She was conflicted and was unable to reason out in her mind why she felt like she did. I am heading out soon to the command center opening. I hope I can meet some of you there. If you are comfortable, please let me know who you are, but I promise to respect your animinity.

Can you see through what Laurie Konnerth is alluding to?  Laurie is the one who set things up with Nancy Grace. Laurie used Nancy Grace to accomplish the idea that Melinda was so distraught about being in the public eye that she killed herself.  I believe Melinda had a little help that fateful day. I believe she grabbed her grandfather's gun to protect herself, not kill herself.

October 20, 2006 4:41 PM (Laurie Konnerth)

Also, I didn't mean to be rude the other night when I didn't answer this..... without looking back and reading, I know someone asked me about the porno thing. The answer to that is yes, I do know all about it. I actually provided that information (print out of site with photo) to the FDLE at the end of August. I swear....the investigator practically skipped into the PD he was so happy to get it. At that time they were finding out more and more about Melinda and were still amazed with her multi-faceted abilities!! Also, just about everything that you see on NG, is info that I have given her... so with that in mind, she hasn't had a chance to do anything on the porn yet, so I would like to wait until this evening to see if she is able to get it into the show tonight. Don't want to upstage her, she has been so good to us! Also, I have not given any of the porn stuff to the local media ---although I was tempted at times!!
From FDLE public records:

And of Course Lauri Konnerth failed to mention that Josh Duckett was ALSO in those porn pictures:

But then if she had mentioned that piece of information it would have ruined the picture she was painting of Melinda Duckett...the troubled crazy person who invaded Josh Duckett's life. The person who was fingered as the only suspect in the abduction of Trenton. This expose to the police (and even Nancy Grace) was all behind Melinda's back.  You can see this in the Myspace post Melinda wrote to her friend (not boyfriend) Chen.

On September 4, 2006  Melinda wrote to her friend Chai Chen (Where is my brown eye Girl?) on myspace:

Melinda seems hopeful here that things will work out even though the "media has made things worse".

Here is the post from Melinda on her myspace that she made to the media which I have taken from the public records sent to me from FDLE dated September 6, 2006:

There is a lot of "fight" in this message to the media.  How does one person go from taking on the world on one day and then to giving up completely two days later ? 

On September 5, 2006 Leesburg Police did a trash pull behind Melinda's apartment. They never  contacted her about what they "found". If they had,  Melinda would have been furious to find out that things she meticulously packed to retrieve at a later date, were "found" in the trash including a suitcase full of momentoes she took from her nightstand and carefully wrapped to protect them from breakage. Why would she wrap and pack everything to throw in a dumpster?

Do you recognize the items above that were displayed on Melinda's nightstand next to her bed? Doesn't it seem odd to you that these items were "found in the dumpster"?

There are so many questions about how Melinda died that remain unanswered.

There were TWO shots fired from the 50 year old shotgun that was taken out of Billy Eubank's bedroom closet. The magazine taken from the top night stand drawer next to Billy's bed was jammed in backwards and no shell could have been fired. There was a fork found on the floor next to the bed which could have been used to try to unjam the magazine from the shotgun.

 Not being able to unjam the gun, shells had to be taken from the box in the bottom drawer of the nightstand. So here's the questions:

  1. Why were only two shells taken?
  2. Why didn't Melinda take the whole box with her into the closet?
  3. Why would she take two shells - thinking that she would miss? Or need a practice shot?

And questions about the "suicide":

  1. Why was there NO gunshot residue on  Melinda's hands or feet?
  2. Why were there NO fingerprints on the shotgun?

Here's her grandfather's shotgun:

And then there's conflicting evidence concerning her handwritten notes:

  1. Why were they NOT dated?
  2. Why were they NOT signed?
  3. Why were they in the open on her center console of her car?

And questions about using the 50 year old shotgun:

  1. If Melinda was going to kill herself using a shotgun, why didn't she use the brand new shotgun that was loaded and found on the floorboard of her car?
  2. Why did she grab in a hurry the one in her grandfather's  closet, leave the case in view on top of the king size bed, when that gun had not been fired in over 20 years?
  3. If she walked out to her car to place the "suicide notes" on the center console and load her new shotgun and place that gun that was in her trunk onto the floorboard of her car, why not just take that gun into the house? (She could have in the dark during the night).
And my raise a flag question:


And my final question:  Who gained the most by having Melinda Duckett dead by suicide?

November 11 2006 8:12 PM (Laurie Konnerth)

When Josh first started all of this he hired a Mary Hatcher. Cost Carla $8,000 and did nothing. That is one of the reasons why... when Josh said he was going to go back to Melinda, that Carla slapped him. She had been trough so much and was broke. Kevin broke her, Josh broke her and she was struggling to keep the flower shop opened. I know this because I lent her a large sum of money to help. So, when there time to have an attorney represent him again, Josh just thought he could do it on his own. I would go with him, but I wasn't allowed to speak... only sit there and he was pretty stubborn ... being young and thinking he could handle it.. he didn't always listen to my advise. ....

So WHY did Carla close that flower shop?

November 11, 2006 10:14 PM (Laurie Konnerth)

Actually.. to tell the whole story, my daughter and I staked out the apartment where Trenton went missing from for several hours one night waiting for them to come home... I just wanted to see Josh & Trent so I knew they were okay, but they never showed. That's when I called Nancy. And yes, it has been hard for me, but not near as hard as it is for Carla! I feel so bad for her. But she is strong and is hanging in there, just like Josh.

And where did Laurie and her daughter Danae hide to spy on Melinda?  In the driveway next to the firewall like in the article "The Getaway"? http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2012/02/august-27-2006the-getaway.html

Laurie Konnerth

November 11, 2006 10:35 PM

All the way to the police station that night, I kept saying to Danae, "What has she done now?" Each and everyone of us that night told LE that we definiately thought it was Melinda. No doubts at all. We just could not let that information out to the media etc. for everyone's protection.

And it always bothers me as to what role Laurie Konnerth has played in all this. I don't know if it is true or not, but someone emailed me that Carla Massero told them that Lauie Konnerth was having an affair with the lead detective of Leesburg Police = Rich Giles. Laurie's husband divorced her. I wonder if that had anything to do with the divorce?  Whether or not that information is true, some other law enforcement agency needs to look at this case.