
Monday, March 14, 2011

FDLE: Interview Nicole Diaz

Nicole Diaz went to Leesburg High School at the same time Melinda Duckett attended there during  her Junior year 2002-2003. Melinda then transferred to South Sumter High School where Josh Duckett attended.

Nicole and Melinda were not friends in high school but they knew each other.  When Melinda was considered for a job at Bank of America in 2005, Nicole already worked there and told the bank that she knew Melinda. It was when Melinda was hired, the two became friendly.

The early part of 2006, Nicole babysat Trenton for Melinda on Thursday evenings while Melinda had classes at the college. The Eubanks were unavailable to babysit on Thursday as Nancy Eubank is a member of their church choir which has rehearsal on Thursdays. Billy Eubank handles the audio for the church. After Nicole was no longer available to babysit, Cara Mitchell babysat Trenton on Thursday evenings.

It was Cara who told the Leesburg Police that Melinda and Nicole were best of friends and basically she insinuated that if Melinda hid Trenton, Nicole would be the one she confided in.  Here is that portion of Cara's interview, previously published on this blog.

The FDLE public records of the Leesburg Police Interview of Nicole Diaz totalled 123 pages. Since there is so much to absorb, I am dividing the interview into 3 segments. However, to understand some of the things mentioned in the interview, I am posting all the posts that were made available on Melinda's Myspace between these two. Not many. Which makes me wonder just how much of a friend Nicole was to Melinda and vice versa. However, Cara Mitchell has volumes of posts on Melinda's myspace.

Here is the first of three segments of the FDLE public records of the Leesburg Police interview of Nicole Diaz.

This is the end of the first of three segments of the interview.

1 comment:

  1. Are there ANY interviews with Josh's friends?
