
Friday, December 3, 2010

One Big Question

Josh Duckett languished on the Nancy Grace show of September 26, 2006 that DCF lost a 6 1/2 hour tape recording of Trenton crying. Here are his comments:

So then, how did Denise Nevers of FDLE (in part of the public records released to me) state that she listened to the "heart-wrenching" tapes? And then SHE recommended to DCF that Trenton be given sole custody to his father...one day before Melinda died?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nancy Grace - Prosecutor Turned Persecutor

Breaking News!  Bombshell!  Unleash the lawyers!


I was interviewed yesterday by the Ocala Star Banner's reporter Suevon Lee. The purpose of that interview was to ask my opinion of the outcome of the lawsuit against Nancy Grace and if I was disappointed that it didn't go to trial and if I thought Nancy Grace was responsible for Melinda's death.

I told her that the settlement pointed out the obvious fact that the New York Eubanks, Melinda's parents, were not money hungry but wanted to find Trenton. As long as money hungry Josh Duckett does not get any money from this settlement, it can be used for a professional private investigating company to look under every rock. However, I'm sure he is going to be paid for the documentary coming out in January.

I was disappointed that it didn't go to trial because I had hoped new facts could be released in this case. Maybe now that the trial did not take place, Leesburg Police will release the items taken from Melinda's apartment to her grandparents, including her computer that CNN requested from them.

As far as Nancy Grace being responsible for Melinda's death, my comment to Suevon was no. BUT - that was because I believe she was murdered.  If any evidence shows up that  conclusively proves that Melinda committed suicide, then I would say that Nancy Grace was the last straw of the long line of bullies that drove Melinda to commit suicide.

A thorn in CNN's side, and my dear friend Kay DeWitt, has this to say about the "persecutor" Nancy Grace:
Have you seen some of her commercials advertising her new show? THEY ARE HORRIBLE...although so appropriate for this "persecutor"! In one ad, they show guns going off in war...and the caption is something like "Justice in the.....century"...then in the next scene, the caption is "Justice in the 21st century" and Nancy draws her "gun" and she says "only faster!" Then in another one she says, "and heads are going to roll!" YOU TELL ME HOW, if she had a modicum of compassion for Melinda, those kinds of words could roll from her lips!!!!! I HAVE AN INDICTMENT AGAINST ALL WHO ALLOW HER TO CONTINUE TO PERSECUTE...and to allow her to, as your great definition states:

to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief .......She sure did cause precious Melinda to "suffer because of (her) belief" that she was guilty of harming Trenton......I get soooo upset....even though I know that I know that our Lord is a vindicator............Love, Kay

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Josh Duckett's Statement on Settlement

I suppose now that Josh Duckett is out of work (he quit/lost his job as a "landscaper"  because of having to appear in court - his story) I guess he can't wait to get his hands on this money.  And to think that the New York Eubanks were being called the greedy ones, the ones after the money.

I hope Aunt Kathy uses the money to hire a professional private investigator with a record for solving crimes. Keep that money as far away as possible from Josh Duckett and his grubby hands.
PS Josh, pay your back child support and help mom pay her back property taxes. And btw, use money you really earn for a living like the rest of us. NOT donations.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Josh Duckett Interview with FDLE

Where is the interview of Josh Duckett?

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Window

Here are the FDLE pictures taken of the window in Trenton's bedroom. First here is the report, notice the discrepancies of what is pictured and what is written on the report.

The Apartment

FDLE took pictures of the apartment the night Trenton went missing and the next day. Here is the diagram of the apartment.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Inquisition of Melinda Duckett

This is part of the public records I received from FDLE. It is the last 14 minutes of over two hours of questioning by Leesburg detective Rich Giles and FDLE agent Denise Nevers. It took place at the Leesburg Police Department sometime between 4 and 6 AM early Monday morning. Trenton had just been abducted and Melinda had been crying for hours. After reviewing the whole video - over two hours - I wanted to share this with you. It was NOT an investigation. It was NOT an interrogation.

          It was an Inquisition.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Suicide Notes

These are the suicide notes found on the center console of Melinda Duckett's Eclipse. They are not dated and they are not signed.

The suicide notes are at the top left of this picture. And Melinda's 20 gauge shotgun is on the lower right. Her shotgun was loaded and when tested by LEthey found it had NEVER been fired.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Two Shots - Two Shotguns


The above are crime scene photos taken by FDLE. When I spoke with Detective Andy Crogan of the Lady Lake police department, he told me this FIRST SHOT was probably a FIRST ATTEMPT and the gun slipped.

Melinda had taken her grandfather's shotgun from its hiding place in the master bedroom closet. She placed the gun in its case on the master bedroom bed and left the empty case on the bed. She would have then had to go to the nightstand and remove the magazine (clip) from the TOP DRAWER. There was a fork on the floor next to the nightstand. Apparently she put the magazine in backwards. It was our theory that she got the fork to unjam the magazine and put it back in so it would operate.

The three birdshot shells in the magazine could NOT be expelled, because they were in backwards. Therefore, Melinda would have had to get the shotgun shells from the BOTTOM drawer of the nightstand. The box of #6 birdshot was STILL in the bottom drawer. There were 6 shells missing from the box of 25.

Then Melinda would have had to load ONE birdshot in the pump action gun and fire the shot. The FIRST SHOT went into the wall. She would then have had to load a SECOND shell into the chamber.

Detective Crogan also stated that they believed she shot the gun while standing up and using her toe. The trigger would have come up to her knee, she would have had to balance herself and then there's the "recoil".

The 12 Gauge Shotgun...

This is the FDLE agent removing the weapon from the crime scene. The FIRST shell is on the floor. The SECOND shell is still in the shotgun.

Melinda's shotgun...

Melinda's 20 gauge shotgun was unlocked (see yellow lock on seat) and on the floorboard of the backseat of her Eclipse - with the barrel facing the driver side.  It was loaded with one shell. She kept the shells in the hatchback trunk of her car.

While her shotgun was in the backseat of her car, Melinda's suicide notes were neatly placed on the center console of her car...the ones that Leesburg Police department didn't "find" until weeks later.

She also had $900 in cash (withdrawn from her bank account - not money from the church as Josh Duckett reported).  She also had $114 on her person when she was found and her laptop was on the front floorboard of her car under the box of Fruit Loops, along with her purse and clothes.

Also in my conversation with Detective Crogan, he stated that they thought Melinda wanted to commit suicide in her car, but that the gun was too big and she would not have been able to do it.

Among the items taken for review was Melinda's digital camera. On that camera she had pictures of a pet cemetery.
Melinda showed the pictures to her grandmother and stated how peaceful it was there. It is located in Marion County just north of McIntosh on the way to Gainesville, Florida on State Road 441, approximately 50 miles from the grandparents' home in the Villages.

So the questions remain the same.

Why would Melinda pay her car insurance a couple days before she died?

Why would Melinda decide to commit suicide using her grandfather's 50 year old gun that had not been shot in over 20 years, using #6 birdshot that had not been taken out of the box in over 20 years?

Why didn't she use her brand new 20 gauge shotgun that was already in her car loaded, along with her suicide notes already written and drive her car to the peaceful pet cemetery?

Where were Melinda's friends when she needed them?