
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nancy Grace - Prosecutor Turned Persecutor

Breaking News!  Bombshell!  Unleash the lawyers!


I was interviewed yesterday by the Ocala Star Banner's reporter Suevon Lee. The purpose of that interview was to ask my opinion of the outcome of the lawsuit against Nancy Grace and if I was disappointed that it didn't go to trial and if I thought Nancy Grace was responsible for Melinda's death.

I told her that the settlement pointed out the obvious fact that the New York Eubanks, Melinda's parents, were not money hungry but wanted to find Trenton. As long as money hungry Josh Duckett does not get any money from this settlement, it can be used for a professional private investigating company to look under every rock. However, I'm sure he is going to be paid for the documentary coming out in January.

I was disappointed that it didn't go to trial because I had hoped new facts could be released in this case. Maybe now that the trial did not take place, Leesburg Police will release the items taken from Melinda's apartment to her grandparents, including her computer that CNN requested from them.

As far as Nancy Grace being responsible for Melinda's death, my comment to Suevon was no. BUT - that was because I believe she was murdered.  If any evidence shows up that  conclusively proves that Melinda committed suicide, then I would say that Nancy Grace was the last straw of the long line of bullies that drove Melinda to commit suicide.

A thorn in CNN's side, and my dear friend Kay DeWitt, has this to say about the "persecutor" Nancy Grace:
Have you seen some of her commercials advertising her new show? THEY ARE HORRIBLE...although so appropriate for this "persecutor"! In one ad, they show guns going off in war...and the caption is something like "Justice in the.....century"...then in the next scene, the caption is "Justice in the 21st century" and Nancy draws her "gun" and she says "only faster!" Then in another one she says, "and heads are going to roll!" YOU TELL ME HOW, if she had a modicum of compassion for Melinda, those kinds of words could roll from her lips!!!!! I HAVE AN INDICTMENT AGAINST ALL WHO ALLOW HER TO CONTINUE TO PERSECUTE...and to allow her to, as your great definition states:

to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief .......She sure did cause precious Melinda to "suffer because of (her) belief" that she was guilty of harming Trenton......I get soooo upset....even though I know that I know that our Lord is a vindicator............Love, Kay


  1. Nancy Grace makes a joke out of the legal profession.

  2. A reader emailed me this link to an article about Nancy Grace's prosecutorial style. It's what we've been saying all along.


  3. I just stumbled onto this site and just let me say THANK YOU! Nancy Grace plays judge, jury, and executioner and how she gets away with it is beyond me! She spews "God" out of her twisted, judgemental mouth and it sickens me. I think she thinks she IS God!
    She has a panel of guests on her show, just to shut them up everytime they say anything she does not agree with. In a time when we are trying to stop bullying...she plays lead bully!
    I followed the story of Haleigh Cummings missing in Fla. Art Harris was on her show reporting from the scene as they searched the river. He reported on her show that "Bones were found in the river". Nancy pressed him to say it was Haleigh's bones but, he made CLEAR they did not know and it could be animal bones. By the time they returned from a commercial, Nancy was reporting that Haleigh's bones were found in the river! Of course it later was reported in the news they were NOT Haleigh's bones.
    Tonight again while covering the women's bodies found in NY, Nancy's reporter on the scene, when asked by NG were the bodies of the women clothed, replied it was unknown as the police are not saying. No lie, by the time she returned from commercial, Nancy was saying the bodies were nude!!!
    How does this woman get away with this crap!!??
    I watch the show only because I like following some of the stories...but anymore I don't even know if she is reporting the facts or sensationalizing.
    She uses her show not to report the FACTS...but to spew her twisted version of the truth.
    As for her new show, she's not even a JUDGE! At least Judge Judy IS a judge!

  4. Nancy Grace did nothing wrong. Melinda called a radio show several times after completing the interview, to let the world know that she would be on NG and everyone should watch. If she was so traumatized by the questioning, why would she brag about being on the show?

  5. @Anonymous: Hence the question "Why would she kill herself?"

    And NG is a pig in my opinion, not just because what she did to Melinda - she's just a plain old pig.

  6. NG has done nothing to help find Trenton - except bully Melinda. She has done nothing to help Hayleigh - except to bully Crystal (H's REAL mom - not that wanna be disgusting pig Misty). She refuses to put out the evidence of what happened to Trenton and to Hayleigh. Because it does not fit into her scheme of things.

    She (NG) is nothing more than another mouthpiece for the father's rights crowd. Ooooops sorry that should read ABUSER'S RIGHTS crowd. And she is lead abuser.
