
Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Bite

During my four years participating in forums defending Melinda Duckett, allegations were made that Melinda Eubank bit Carla Massero over giving Trenton a bath. I had contacted the Bushnell Police Department and specifically requested any documentation of this incident. Bushnell stated they had no record of the incident. Then reading the FBI report (contained in the CNN lawsuit), which was based on a questionnaire to three individuals: Carla Massero, Josh Duckett and Ruth Gilligan (DCF), the incident came up again. This time it stated that it was handled by the Okeechobee Police Department.

I wrote to the OPD and requested public records concerning "the bite". I have attached their documentation below. To further get a greater understanding of the incident, I called the reporting officer Raul Marrero and asked if he could recall what happened that day. I also wondered why the other witness, Kevin Massero who was driving the van did not give a statement.

I called Nancy and Bill Eubank and we spoke of what Melinda had told them of the incident. After considering all the narratives, this is my interpretation of what happened. The actual document is below for you to make your own interpretation.

Prior to the "Bite" incident, Melinda had already encountered two episodes where Carla wanted to take Trenton from her: when Melinda was 4 months pregnant with Trenton and hiding in the bushes at the Strawberry Festival and then when Melinda was 8 months pregnant with Trenton and Josh made allegations that Melinda was going to commit suicide and sent the police to search for her.

October 31, 2004 Trenton was 2 1/2 months old. Melinda was a new mother. Josh was participating in the motorcross race in Okeechobee and Carla had Trenton with her in the van. Kevin Massero was driving and Carla was in the passenger seat. Trenton was in his infant carseat behind Carla. It was a Dodge caravan and the sliding door is on t he passenger side.  Melinda pulled up in her own car next to the van. Melinda got out of her car and opened the side door to take Trenton out of the van.

An argument ensued between Melinda and Carla. It was stated that Melinda was upset because Carla had taken Trenton to Ft Meade (where Carla's mother and father live) and gave Trenton a bath. Then it stated that Melinda slapped Carla, pulled her hair and bit her forearm.  Carla stated Melinda had Trenton in her arms.  In Melinda's statement to the police she said that Carla was very possessive of Trenton.

It wasn't about the bath. The policeman Marreo said to me that Melinda just "lost it". In discussing this with the grandparents, I can totally see how this happened. Carla would have had to try to pull Trenton out of Melinda's arms otherwise, how could Melinda have bit her right forearm? How could Melinda have gotten that close to her?

Melinda knew - even back then - that Carla was trying to get her baby away from her.


  1. Here's something that I don't understand; If Carla initially thought that Trenton wasn't Josh's son why did she want custody of him? It seems that she cared more about hurting Melinda than she ever did about Trenton.

    I suspect Carla had a problem with her daughter in-law being Asian.

  2. If carla had a problem with her daughter in law being asian as you say then why doesnt she have a problem with joshs girlfriend now? His girlfirend is Half Puerto Rican and Half white so i dont think that Melinda being asian has anything to do with the issue so you need to get your facts in order before saying stuff

  3. Anon,

    Since when is Puerto Rican a race?

    I think that Carla had a problem. If you read the threatening email. you will see that there are definite racial slurs against the Asian race.

  4. It has already been proven that Melinda wrote the threatening email herself. Therefore the racial slurs came from Melinda not Carla.

  5. According to FDLE the IP address was the only connection. Anyone with anther laptop sitting outside her apartment could have honed in on her IP address. People "piggy back" all the time. There was NO residue on her computer. If she sent it to herself there woul have been residue. Secondly, there is NO proof that Melinda actually typed anything on her computer in that time frame. And thirdly, Melinda had NO MOTIVE. She had SOLE custody, child support awarded to her and she was divorcing Josh. Josh had visitation every other weekend and on Wednesday evening. There was NO restraining order at that time, Melinda didn't need one. The visitation on weekends freed her up to have a weekend "off". When child support was paid, it was an extra $403 per month income.
    And Melinda would never have used those slur remarks and ESPECIALLY talk about her son that way.

    However, there was plenty of motive for Carla/Josh to have sent that email. They just received the contempt of court papers that very morning - they would have to PAY Melinda lots of money. And isn't it "hinky" that 11 minutes later Josh's friend Cierra Bacon received a post from that same myspace account. Read the articles and the timelines.

    And you are wrong. It was not PROVEN. Read "Where's the Evidence".
