
Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Contents of Melinda Duckett's Purse

A purse or pocketbook for a woman holds items that are important to them. It was no different for Melinda Duckett.

On the day she died, her purse was found on the front seat of her locked car along with her laptop computer, a box of Froot Loops and her neatly folded "suicide" notes on the center console.

Among the precious pictures she kept of Trenton in her purse, she also kept a letter she received from a special someone in her life. 


  1. I couldn't help but chuckle when I came across this thread; http://s2.excoboard/UBTJ/144612/1126487/1. In this thread people are actually thinking that Josh may have taken Trenton. At least it starts out that way , the crew arrived eventually.

    I feel the need to share this with you as to document the behavior of these people. From that thread I learned that Carla claimed Melinda bit her on the arm because she gave Trenton a bath. Carla was so traumatized by that she waited until MONTHS later to press charges against Melinda. What is the background on that? I also learned that Carla wrote a letter to Jeb Bush , is that true? If it is I hope you post the letter for posterity's sake :-)

    All of this is to say , if anyone with common sense reads this they will notice that the people defending Melinda aren't the ones making threats and using vulgar handles. Some of the people who posted on your defending Melinda thread reported receiving obscene phone calls , DDoS attacks , having their bank accounts hacked into etc. I read that article on Crimson shadows.

    People who are innocent don't behave in this manner.

  2. I requested all and any public records concerning Melinda Eubank Duckett from Bushnell police department. The first was to Chief Wells on February 26, then again to the Bushnell records clerk on Friday March 5th. I have not heard from them as of this date and time. I got an immediate response from Lady Lake Police and have all the public records from their department. I met with the investigating officer for 5 hours and went over every detail. They have been very helpful in my quest for the truth.

  3. Could you consider capturing the contents of the letter in legible print and whom it is too as I do not understand the signficance of it

  4. BG,
    I appreciate your question about the significance of the letter; I hope I can answer that to your satisfaction.

    The motive given that Melinda staged the abduction of her son was to hide him to keep Trenton away from his father or to kill Trenton so that Josh would never see him again. Then, Melinda could live her "party life" and be able to meet guys because Trenton was in her way of doing that. This letter proves that the reasoning behind coming up with that motive is FALSE.

    Stev met Melinda in 2006. He became very interested in having a relationship with her. He was in the military and he kept contact with her by phone, letters and Myspace. His name on Myspace was "Whatshisname". He posted a message to her on Sunday, the day Trenton went missing.

    Apparently from the letter, it can be determined that Melinda posted a message to him about Trenton being abducted. This letter is in response to the news she gave him. His letter was written on August 29and mailed on August 30. He sent her pictures of himself and also the picture of the two of them together. He said in his letter "for a brief moment I felt like I had a family"...that family included Trenton.

    I have emailed other friends of Melinda and talked to some on the phone. They all loved Melinda. All of them stated that Trenton was Melinda's everything.

    How would they say that if she was hiding the fact that she had a child as the media wants us to believe. But again, the media has been fed misinformation. Even the cororner was fed misinformation...that Melinda was a self mutilator and suffered from depression. Where did the ME get THAT information?

    Stev's letter speaks for itself. Melinda was loveable, Trenton was wanted...and Josh was ill thought of by ALL of Melinda's friends.

  5. Just now I was reading on the You be the judge board (the site I linked you to in my last comment) and there is a rumor that an officer saw a tan car with a little boy being pushed to the floor. The driver(s?) didn't want anybody to see this child , why is that? If this rumor is true there is chance that the little boy may have been Trenton. If this is true this may the break in the case we need!

    IDK , I'm inclined to believe it.

  6. For those who knew Min, it is known without a doubt that Min could have never done anything to hurt Trent in any way shape or form, he was her life.

