
Monday, February 22, 2010

What Else Has Josh Lied About? Melinda the Mutilator

"J. DUCKETT: Yes, I mean, that`s basically what went through my mind all hours of the night and day. I mean, if she`s willing to do that to herself, what`s she willing to do to somebody else?"

From the September 27th, 2006 Nancy Grace Show

"GRACE: Liz, let`s take a look at the time line about what we know tonight. Bit by bit, this time line has been pieced together, but this is what we know about the custody case. And, Josh, tell me if any of this is incorrect.

April 6, `05, Josh accuses Melinda of self-mutilation and threatening to harm Trenton. What did you mean by that -- was that to the police or to Department of Family and Children Services? What do you mean by self- mutilation?

J. DUCKETT: To both of them, to the police department and the DCF offices. I mean, self-mutilation, she -- self-mutilation as far as cutting herself.


J. DUCKETT: I have no idea. I mean, to me, to destroy your body is - - I mean, that shows some signs of instability. I mean...

GRACE: Did DFCS, Department of Family and Children Services, know about this?

J. DUCKETT: They knew about it. I told them. There`s reports of it. I mean, I told them everywhere that she had scars from it. I mean, her hips were covered in scars, her legs, her arms. I mean...

GRACE: When you went to bed at night, did you just lay there wondering if Trenton was going to be OK?

J. DUCKETT: Yes, I mean, that`s basically what went through my mind all hours of the night and day. I mean, if she`s willing to do that to herself, what`s she willing to do to somebody else?"

So just because Josh Duckett, says it's so, it's so? 


This has been the problem from the getgo.  Josh painting a picture of Melinda...Melinda the Mutilator...
There`s reports of it. I mean, I told them everywhere that she had scars from it. I mean, her hips were covered in scars, her legs, her arms. I mean...

Two pieces of EVIDENCE shows that Josh lied. The Autopsy http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2009/10/autopsy.html

and the Naked Truth about the Porn http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2010/01/naked-truth-about-porn.html

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that all of Josh's interviews sound rehearsed. Almost like he practices what he's going to say. Whenever he slips up Nancy Grace rescues him.

    If I'm not mistaken Laurie gave him notes on what to say at the DCF hearings. As far as the cutting goes , didn't Josh accuse Katy being a cutter too? He said she was trying to "emulate Melinda". Honestly , I'm thinking Josh is the one with mental problems.

    Even before I read your blog I didn't understand why people took Josh's word as gospel. After Melinda's death it seemed a little odd to me that something awful would always surface about her. Almost as though these people waited until she couldn't defend herself against these accusations.

    Something wasn't quite right about this case to me , but I couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know why I felt that way.

    It didn't raise any eyebrows that Melinda turned up dead the day after the interview? And from what I've read about her , she didn't have any suicidal tendencies. I think that this group had been planning this murder for quite sometime.

    I know I'm all over the place but this is a lot to take in.
