
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Naked Truth about the Porn

Remember this headline from January last year?

CNN Seeks Mental Health Records, Porn Videos Of Melinda Duckett

Woman Committed Suicide After Nancy Grace Interview
POSTED: Friday, January 2, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Lawyers representing CNN are seeking sensitive information about Melinda Duckett, who committed suicide shortly after being interviewed by Nancy Grace in 2006, Local 6 News reported.

CNN's attorneys are trying to obtain Duckett's mental health records from LifeStream Behavioral Center, where she was committed after threatening to kill herself a year before Trenton vanished, Local 6 News reported. The psychiatric facility last week refused to turn over Duckett's records to CNN without a court order.

Local 6 News also reported that CNN's legal team is attempting to obtain pornographic videos of Duckett. It's not clear how the explicit videos may help defend the cable network.

The video is now all over the internet. Here is a picture from that home movie of Melinda and Josh Duckett.

And here is what Josh had to say on Nancy Grace November 16, 2006 about this same video:
"GRACE: Also tonight, disturbing developments regarding alleged pornography. Back to private investigator P.A. Turner, who has been working on the case. Mr. Turner, that came to our attention in New York several weeks ago, but we did not see any reason to report on it. We couldn`t really confirm it, other than a few candid shots that we had. And I frankly did not see a connection to any alleged pornography on Melinda Duckett`s part to the disappearance of the baby. Therefore, we did not bring it forward.

But now, apparently, a video has emerged that Trenton may actually be in the room when the pornography was shot.
TURNER: That`s correct.
GRACE: What can you tell us about that?
TURNER: We were made aware of the potential of the video, that we had received that information, that it existed, and were working in the process to obtain that clandestinely because we didn`t want to alert the company producing that video to anyone in Florida. In the meantime, the news media locally in Orlando contacted our office and asked if we were aware of the video, and I informed them that we did know it. Our interest was merely to gain intelligence for other persons that may have been present in the room.

We didn`t know if it was singular, if it was Melinda alone, or if there were other people. Before we could obtain a copy of the video, we were provided with certain information about that by the local media. We told them -- that they asked us if we intended to bring it forward. We said, no, we were just utilizing that as an informational gathering method to identify associates of Melinda. We were subsequently informed that in one segment of the video, a baby is heard crying in the background. Not visible, but only audio.

GRACE: Have you seen the video?
TURNER: No, I have not.

GRACE: Josh, have you seen the video?


GRACE: How did you learn about the video?

DUCKETT: It was sent, a link to us on the Internet, and it actually popped up with the photo that had Trenton in it.

GRACE: So you haven`t seen any portion of it?



  1. When did Melinda get her tattoo? It was on her left arm and it isn't visible in this picture of her, only her scar. And where are all the scars from her self inflicted razor cuts that Josh said were all over her body? None reportedon the autopsy either.

    Again, what ELSE has Josh lied about?

  2. Note how Trenton is nowhere to be found. As a follow up to this post you should revisit the doctored photo. If this doesn't expose Josh for the liar that he is then I don't know what.

    Keep up the good work MTP.

  3. They say a "picture says a thousand words"...
    Well don't they just!
    These pics tell the whole story of Josh....lying about like a dead fish, while a woman does all the work...
    Mommy has taught him well...."you just lie back sweetie, & let me take care of business!"
    Pity we can't see if he has testicles....or do they hang on a chain around Mommy's neck?ttl

  4. If you look closely at the bedspread/quilt you will notice the pattern of palm trees. Melinda had this bedset in her Leesburg apartment. I have another picture of her laying on the bed with a pillow over her face (from Cara's photobucket). It also shows the knife she always wore on her belt. (It was checked by police, did NOT cut the screen). The walls were painted cream. More recently they were painted soft blue. I believe that the home movies were made when Josh and Melinda were just married, or slightly before which would put the date around May - October 2005.

  5. Something else dawned on me today. I was visting Brian Ladd's site reading about Trenton and something caught my eye. In one of his diagrams he wrote "the killer is among police" meaning that he believes Melinda was murdered and it was a cop who killed her. Then I thought of the fact that Melinda briefly dated a police officer , Lucas Brown if I'm not mistaken.

    Then in one of you comments you said that you suspected that some of the people in Melinda's daily life were placed there on purpose. Lucas Brown came to mind , you said. Then an anonymous commenter stated that they believe Melinda was shot by a corrupt OFFICER.

    My point is that maybe Lucas Brown was the shooter. Think about it , your theory was that Melinda recognized the intruder. Perhaps it was Lucas Brown. Did you ever find if knew the Ducketts personally?

    I realize that my theory may not make any sense but if you put the pieces together it does. Let me know what you think.

    As an aside , I don't think that Brian Ladd is a con artist. If he were indeed a huckster he said that he saw Melinda as the person who harmed Trenton in his remote viewings.

    Here's the link; http://briansdreams.com/warnings/122.

  6. John Fiveash here.What co. produced the film?Anyone that wants to can film an ameture vid and have it produced.They pay you for it and it is not aginst the law.I see no relevance in bringing it to light because there was no crew there as there would be if they were professional porn stars!!The fact that Trenton could be heard in the background tells me he was in another room when the vid as shot.

  7. John Fiveash here again.So if Josh was sent the vid through a link to his computer with Trentons pic there is no way that he didn't open it and look!Could have been money in it for him!This vid was just another tool to smear Melindas' name.She didn't deserve any of this.What is all of this about a corrupt cop?The one I know about was a Sumter cty cop.
