
Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Campaign

Melinda Duckett was being portrayed to the public in a very purposefully negative way. This expose just confirms the deception that is part and parcel for Team Trenton, not any agenda that I or others have against the Ducketts.

Laurie Konnerth is the keeper of the Trenton Trust Fund, the signatory, the head honcho at Team Trenton, Carla's best friend. Laurie was at the birth of Trenton Duckett. Laurie was at every DCF hearing giving notes to Josh of what to say. She loaned Carla a large sum of money for an attorney for Josh to get custody of Trenton. And, she is the one who set up the Nancy Grace show giving them information, maligning Melinda…information that Nancy Grace presented as if it came from LE (the porn, the fake email info, and the (bogus) Bank of America police report). I guess you could call Laurie Konnerth the CEO of Team Trenton.

It makes one wonder as to how multi-nym sock puppetries; shutting down discussion threads on public forums; feeding LE and NG private adult/home porn movies; insinuating Melinda and her attorney may have been physically intimate; quashing the attempt of volunteers to search for Trenton; harvesting a large mass of private information and photos of forum sleuthers; harassment, intimidation and threatening of various persons and posters (some of whom had merely volunteered their professional expertise to help search for Trenton, while also making those donations); along with dozens of other lies, innuendos, and intimations could possibly have absolutely anything to do with the disappearance of Trenton Duckett, or in the search to find him?

More like a “campaign” to make Melinda Duckett the prime suspect.

Read the words. They are her own. They are her posts. She typed them, in a private board, not knowing that it would all be made public someday... how can one not see that there is something a little fishy going on here?

Laurie Konnerth
December 14, 2006 12:54 AM

I need to tell you something about TT (Team Trenton). There are several close people to the situation who are considered TT, but the real initial TT who has been involved in all of the drama with Melinda from day one are just a few of us. Those initial few believe with all of our hearts that Trenton is alive... or I should say mostly that Melinda did not kill him Now....the truth is and this is our biggest fear is that we do not nor ever had any idea where Melinda could have put Trenton or with who... and because of that, we also don't know how he is being taken care of or if something else has occured since his disappearance. But, because we believe that Melinda did make arrangements to hide him, we also believe that it would have been with someone safe. But, I'm telling you...we have no idea what Melinda was thinking and who she could have conspired with.

Laurie (Konnerth) Says:
September 22nd, 2006 at 12:39 am
Hello All.
I have looked at this blog periodically and (it’s) amazing how so many of you care so much about someone you (don’t) even know! YOU ARE ALL SO AWESOME! THANK YOU!!!

First Pamela: To those who questioned who you (are) they need to know that, although I have not met you, I do know Jeff (bro-in-law)you have really been upstanding during this blog and you did not deserve the rude remarks you received. I respect you for tolerating the ignorance of some and hanging in there to help others understand this situation.

The reason that I am now writing is because I see that people are showing interest in the Trust Fund set up.

I have been with Josh & Carla almost every single day since this whole thing began. I was at the PD by 11:00 PM the evening of the reported abduction and never left those first three days until they did.

Although Melinda was capable of harming Trenton and has done some things in the past, Josh does not believe she has killed him. His heart tells him that Trenton is alive and his is motivated everyday with that belief.

In light of that faith, I decided to start the Trust Fund for Trenton for when he came home that if he needed ANYTHING for his future he could have it. Including counseling, education, etc. As the days past the Josh and his family faced numerous expenses (and still are) it was apparent that they also would need some assistance because of this ordeal that was not of their own doing. So, myself and Josh’s brother are co-trustees on the Trust Fund. I can PROMISE that our intentions are nothing but honorable and any money collected will allocated properly. It is my hope that when Trenton comes home his life be made as comfortable as possible and I pray he is not encumbered with emotional scars, but if so, the Trust Fund set up will hopefully be able to assist in this regard. Also, should a funeral be necessary, the Trust Fund is set for that reason as well. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated.

I am presently working on a website where there is a donation button attached. It should be available within the next few days. The site is www.TrentonDuckettRelief.com

In the meantime, donations can be made any SunTrust Bank or it is also set up where Paypal customers also make a deposit using e-mail address TrentonDuckettTF@aol.com.

If anyone has any questions or problems, you can write to me at that e-mail address and I will try to answer you as quickly as possible.

Team Trenton is also working on the Trust Fund Run which we hope will be a huge success. That Run is Oct. 7th and will Start at Denny’s in Leesburg at 10:30 am. All proceeds will go into the Trust as well.

Thanks to everyone for your concerns and prayers.

God bless you all,

Laurie Konnerth


Laurie Konnerth
October 18 2006 10:02 AM
I really want everyone to know that at no time, did any of us involved and mostly Josh and especially Carla, ever hated Melinda. Honestly, it was obvious very soon after Josh and Melinda started dating that she was troubled. Josh loved and wanted to help her and Carla tried her best to befriend her, but it was not to be. The moment we knew that she killed herself, which was just about 5 min. after it happened, we cried. No one, ever wanted that to happen although we knew when NG pressured her that she would feel backed into a corner and when that happened...she was capable of almost anything. I hope she has some peace now because she was not at peace while alive. She was conflicted and was unable to reason out in her mind why she felt like she did. I am heading out soon to the command center opening. I hope I can meet some of you there. If you are comfortable, please let me know who you are, but I promise to respect your animinity.

Laurie Konnerth
October 20 2006 4:41 PM
Also, I didn't mean to be rude the other night when I didn't answer this..... without looking back and reading, I know someone asked me about the porno thing. The answer to that is yes, I do know all about it. I actually provided that information (print out of site with photo) to the FDLE at the end of August. I swear....the investigator practically skipped into the PD he was so happy to get it. At that time they were finding out more and more about Melinda and were still amazed with her multi-faceted abilities!! Also, just about everything that you see on NG, is info that I have given her... so with that in mind she hasn't had a chance to do anything on the porn yet, so I would like to wait until this evening to see if she is able to get it into the show tonight. Don't want to upstage her, she has been so good to us! Also, I have not given any of the porn stuff to the local media ---although I was tempted at times!!

Laurie Konnerth
October 30, 2006 3:18 PM
LOL!! She has no clue as to how the trust fund is being used. I can promise you that! The trust fund has put up $10,000 for reward money. Any other money that has been spent out of the fund is legitimately covered under the trust fund criteria. I know this because I am the one who set up the trust fund. People just are so judgemental. Anyone that knows me, knows that I absolutely would not let any funds be misused in anyway. The money is to help the cause to find Trenton and help the family with necessities only in the pursuit of finding Trenton. I can verify and document every penny spent and stand by all of my checking writing decision. I am saying this here on **** because I believe in my heart that all of you involved also have nothing but the best of intentions here as well.

Laurie Konnerth
October 30, 2006 3:23 PM
In the beginning when NG first started on this story, Josh was on the show with a lot of questions being asked of him. Then the questions directed to him lessened while she spoke to others about the facts. Josh started to get frustrated because he drove all the way to Orlando to the studio for just those few minutes, but I told him that he needed to not worry about that. That NG is keeping this story national and we needed that. Needless to say, he has done just that. I am very proud of him for putting Trenton above himself.

Laurie Konnerth,
November 01, 2006 11:15 AM
"Before I saw your post I was on the phone with Carla and told her not to let Amber do it. I was in the middle of writing to you all about this petition thing when you said that. Where did Amber put it? She is trying to delete it. Can she? Anyone know?"

November 1, 2006 11:52 AM
There is info that we want out, but not linked to TT in anyway. Today I asked PJ to ask that it get out that the Trust has put up $10,000 of the reward money and the other $5,000 is from FDLE. And I have more little things that we want put out there. Not by just one person, but a few so it doesn't look like we are putting it out there ourselves. I have managed to nix the petition for now with Carla and Josh.

Laurie Konnerth
November 1, 2006 11:54 AM
Thank you. Thank you!! All of you! Whewww...that was a close one!!

Laurie Konnerth
November 3, 2006 11:59 AM
I am a little embarassed that our site had that error. I was with Carla and Josh 100% immediately after their home was searched on the evening of 8/27. After coming back from NYC, I knew I had to get back to work because I was waaayy behind and it was just getting worse. So, I was not around when the website was set up. But, I guess it's better late than never to get the corrections on there.

Laurie Konnerth
November 5 2006 6:00 PM
Hi everyone! I hear some of ****'s best shut down a websleuth thread!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I would have love to been lurking on that one, but I was with Carla all day accomplishing another mission. Hope y'all are doing good this evening. I haven't read back on anything here in **** yet, but I have a feeling it will take me a while!!! LOL!

Laurie Konnerth
November 5, 2006 9:05 PM
I will ask Turner (Private Investigator PA Turner) tomorrow just why they are posting on these things. I really don't understand it. I also didn't understand why he was writing to Brian's Predictions until he explained it to me. He was baiting him with some non-truthful information. So, I am sure he has his reasons for being on the m-d discussion forum as well.

Laurie Konnerth,
November 06, 2006 01:04:00 AM
"The next day after Trenton's disappearance I more than once told different investigators that Melinda was Narcissistic. I believe that the "pray for me" proves that as well. Just to add a little funny.... I had just gotten my braces on and talking was (and still is at times) very hard for me. To hear me say the word narcissistic had to have been hysterical for everyone, but they held their composure well...at least until they left the room!!!"

Laurie Konnerth
November 6, 2006 12:12 AM
And YES, she did get pregnant on purpose. All of us who were around before she got pregnant told Josh that she would do this and she did. ......

November 6, 2006 10:55 PM
Hi All! How is everyone tonight?? I hope you can forgive me, but I can only scan back and try to read everything, but I did see the question about the Saturday call. This phone call NEVER happened. I was told that myself by Josh over a month ago. So, what else have I missed??

Laurie Konnerth
November 6, 2006 11:37 PM
I remember when Carla had her baby shower for her. My daughter, Danae, a I went with very nice gifts. I was surprised at Melinda's reaction because for once she seemed surprisingly appreciative and thankful for everyone being there. It was as though we thought she saw the light.... But...our bubble was burst not long after when we found out she returned almost ALL of the gifts she received. Not because she had everything already, but for the money!!

Laurie Konnerth
November 6 2006 11:58 PM
We knew we would never figure her out. We tried to convince Josh too, but he was in "love". I don't know that Carla ever loved her "like a daughter", but she would have treated her as part of the family no matter what. That is why she never pressed charges for the bite on her arm. She only wanted her to get help. Even after all of the things that happened in between that Oct.31 until July 3, she never wanted to press charges. After July 3, when Melinda pulled he e-mail scam, that was it... all bets were off then and she attempted to press the charges. I didn't blame her one bit. Or should that have been bite!!!

Laurie Konnerth
November 8 2006 4:41 PM
'Just wanted to say evening to everyone and tell you what a good job you are are doing in your multiple personality roles! I am doing mucho paperwork now so I can't play, but when I feel like being schizophrenic, I will join in!' –

Laurie Konnerth
November 9, 2006 8:58 PM
"Well, I have it from excellent sources that there hasn't been much activity around her ofice in downtown Leesburg at all! She is not a well known attorney at all. I never heard of her until Melinda obtained her and I have no idea why she picked her. I swear... don't laugh because I'm serious.. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have their own thing going! Honestly it is something Melinda would definiately. Of course I wouldn't want that out there. MOO

Laurie Konnerth
November 11, 2006 7:48 PM
She planned everything. She even makes note of it in her suicide note. This leads me to believe that although she may have thought about killing herself, I don't think she had planned to do it on that particular day.

Laurie Konnerth,
November 11 2006 8:12 PM
When Josh first started all of this he hired a Mary Hatcher. Cost Carla $8,000 and did nothing. That is one of the reasons why... when Josh said he was going to go back to Melinda, that Carla slapped him. She had been trough so much and was broke. Kevin broke her, Josh broke her and she was struggling to keep the flower shop opened. I know this because I lent her a large sum of money to help. So, when there time to have an attorney represent him again, Josh just thought he could do it on his own. I would go with him, but I wasn't allowed to speak... only sit there and he was pretty stubborn ... being young and thinking he could handle it.. he didn't always listen to my advise. ....

Laurie Konnerth
November 11, 2006 10:14 PM
Actually.. to tell the whole story, my daughter and I staked out the apartment where Trenton went missing from for several hours one night waiting for them to come home... I just wanted to see Josh & Trent so I knew they were okay, but they never showed. That's when I called Nancy. And yes, it has been hard for me, but not near as hard as it is for Carla! I feel so bad for her. But she is strong and is hanging in there, just like Josh.

Laurie Konnerth
November 11, 2006 10:35 PM
All the way to the police station that night, I kept saying to Danae, "What has she done now?" Each and everyone of us that night told LE that we definiately thought it was Melinda. No doubts at all. We just could not let that information out to the media etc. for everyone's protection.

Laurie Konnerth,
November 11 2006 10:56 PM
"I was the only one of our "group" who knew who NG was.. (I have watched her for a long time) and I know Melinda did not know who she was or what she was up against either."

Laurie Konnerth
November 11, 2006 11:14 PM
Yes, that is right. I never told him who she was either. Neither did Mark Lunsford. But, when we were walking out of the studio, I said to Mark something like Melinda had no idea what she was in for and if she did, she wouldn't go on the show. Mark laughed and said "You can bet she never will again" Little did he know how positive that statement would be.

Laurie Konnerth
November 15 2006 11:49 PM
Kitty- This is NOT TRUE. PI had nothing to do with it. Our local CBS station reporter told Josh (I was standing there) that they had it for a while but were sitting on it. And Josh had no idea how or where they got it. There is absolutely no way that Josh would have anything to do with putting that kind of thing about Melinda out there. He hasn't so far, why start now. I have no idea, because I don't read all of these things, but if you can, can you please put it out there that the PI cannot take the credit for this because he had nothing to d with it. Also, anyone else if you see this anywhere else, can you please do your best to tell the truth. I am calling this reporter in the morning and asking that he make that correction, I trust he will, but just in case...please help. Thank you all!!

Laurie Konnerth
November 25, 2006 8:21 PM
And oh, BTW as far as the trust fund goes... I have my ducks in a row.... ain't skeered!!! is what the judge is going to do to their "case" when he closes it!

Laurie Konnerth
November 26, 2006 6:35 PM
Thank you!!! I just read something negative today and asked Josh about it too!. I'm so glad to hear that. I'm not at the center. I have my lap full of Trust Fund stuff. Getting my ducks in a row so to speak even though I do not believe this law suit will go anywhere.

Laurie Konnerth
December 10, 2006 2:23 AM
When this thing is over...I want to speak out to everyone about what these nimrods and Eubank followers have put us through. Not that it's bad enough Trenton has been gone all of this time and we don't know where he is, but to have our good intentions and credibility be questioned with every move we make is really hard to keep dealing with everyday.

Laurie Konnerth
December 13, 2006 11:57 PM
TT had thought about going out into Ocala with 4-wheelers, etc. but the reality was and still is that TT has from the very first night knew who was behind this and always believed Trenton to be alive. So, for TT to go digging and searching would have meant to us that we were looking for a dead body. We just never thought that was the probability.

Laurie Konnerth -
December 18, 2006
I'm new here so hello everyone. I have a question about the trust
fund. Does anyone know if trere are any other cases like the Lunsford case who had
to publically make the trust money spent available to the public. i guess i'm
wondering if this is normal or what?

Laurie Konnerth
May 6 21:07:20 2007
As far as SSI goes, they are very off the case and have been since they decided to change their phone number and not return our calls or e-mails. I just recently investigated this and found that Turner's license expired. Personally, I NEVER liked them and was suspicious of them from the beginning. I also never was comfortable with Mouseffects either.

Laurie Konnerth
Dec. 18th, 2007
Of course, Trenton is my major concern and has been for over 4 years.

Laurie Konnerth
May 6, 2007:
Let me tell you a quick story then I gotta go. There was a time when we lost all contact with Josh & Trenton when he got back with Melinda. It went on for months. This was during the time that the false reports were being made by Josh and Melinda. YES... JOSH! He knows he was wrong, but Carla has forgiven, of course. The allegations were all lies. Trust me. Anyway, a couple of months went by. No one had talked to Josh. I took it upon myself, with my daughter, to go to that apartment and sit there for a couple of hours waiting for Josh to come home. All I wanted to do was SEE him and Trenton. Just to see if they were alive. You see, we never really knew what Melinda was capable of doing. Josh used to sleep on the couch with one eye opened because he was afraid.

December 11, 2006 11:10 PM
Josh has a different attorney than NG. Her attorney is out of Atlanta and Josh's is in Orlando. And yes, the attorney has been provided by CNN after a little negotiation! I have no doubt that NG's attorney has responded as well.

So, herein lies the answer to the questions “Why Didn’t LE Believe Melinda? And “Why Didn’t Nancy Grace Believe Melnda?” And…who was the driving force behind the campaign?


  1. I should post in one of these forums with a link to this entry telling people to stop donating to Team Trenton. By doing so people are enabling this farce to continue. Once the money dries up maybe then these people will return Trenton.

    I watched a few of Josh's interviews on youtube and in all of them he looks like he's about to start laughing. Now I know this is why. I wonder if Laurie Konnerth is aware that she may have been an accessory to murder ( Melinda's). Several very serious crimes have been committed here and I think that the public needs to be made aware of it.

  2. When Ms. Konnerth stated that she and her daughter were staking out Melinda's apartment to "see if Josh & Trent were ok" she just inadvertently confessed. The reason I say so because anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that JOSH WASN'T LIVING WITH MELINDA WHEN TRENTON DISAPPEARED! So if Josh wasn't living there at that time what were Ms. Konnerth and her daughter doing there? Her word choice was extremely interesting as well. No one uses the term "staking out" unless they are mapping when and how to execute an operation. So if Josh wasn't living with Melinda at the time , what possible reason did Ms. Konnerth have to be there? I think we know the answer to that MTP. People like this always slip up somehow :-) Another mistake by Laurie is post such damning commentary/evidence on forum. Even if said forum was private she should have known that someone would eventually go public with that info. Carla wouldn't have been destitute if she had just let Josh & Melinda live their lives. This marriage may have had a chance if these evil people hadn't interfered. It's just a sad situation all around

    I hope that Carla is happy now that she has her son & grandson all to herself. You wanted your son back Carla , but look at all the carnage that you left behind. I guess in Carla's eyes no woman will ever love Josh the way that she does. Let's hope for the sake of everyone involved that that's no true. Had Carla just learned to let go she could have had the love of her son and grandson. There was room for both women in Josh's life had she let it be. It seems to me that Melinda was willing to comprimise , Carla wasn't. I hope that any other woman hope to date Josh happens upon this blog , so that they can see the truth and escape while they still can. My only hope is that Ryder and this other young woman don't suffer the same fate as Melinda & Trenton. I know that was extremely long winded but I felt that it needed to be said.

  3. princess,
    The timeframe that Laurie was alluding to was when Josh and Melinda first married in July 2005 Josh lived with Melinda at the apartment in Leesburg. Carla was trying to reach Josh, (refer to the TRO agains Carla by Josh). She harrassed him for weeks on end, having people call him, and calling his job at Pat Sales. His step father Kevin Massero even showed up at his job and Josh called the police again.

    However, your point is taken as to how Laurie and her daughter could "not be seen" and yet be able to "watch" the apartment. If you look at the pictures of how Melinda's apartment was next to the drive way from the gas station, then consider how easy it would be for someone to take their laptop to the drive way and hone in on Melinda's IP address and send her the threatening email.

    It appears as if everything was staged, just like the Leesburg Police thought. But they had the wrong director. As in Kid Finders Network, Inc. "director".

  4. My mistake. I though that Laurie was referring to when Trenton had gone missing.

  5. I commend you for all the work you have done on behalf of what God's brand of "justice" is! I have become very close to Nancy and Billy Eubank and I know for a fact that you speak truth because I have seen legal documents that sup-
    port your claims! My part in the mission I share with you to get..
    to quote Nancy Grace's words,
    "justice for Melnda" is the crime that was committed against her by
    Nancy Grace. Your task to prove the crime that was committed against her by those handful of people has been probably a more difficult one only because I do not have to prove that Melinda was innocent of doing anything to, or with, Trenton (even though I believe that she was innocent as strongly as you do)to prove that what Nancy Grace "did" to Melinda was a "crime"...and a violation of every moral law that helped this country establish its judicial system and the "truth" that "one was innocent until proven guilty"..
    In other words, what I am saying is that what Nancy Grace "did" to Melinda was a "crime" whether or not Melinda was innocent, or guilty, of what, that fatal night, Nancy Grace was insinuating she was guilty of! As a "professional" psychologist...but, more important-ly, as a "Christian" psychologist,
    who has had an outreach ministry to people like Melinda who, be-cause they were on the brink of despair, were capable of commit-
    ting suicide...I can state unequi-
    vocably that had Melinda Duckett been embraced by our Lord's uncon-
    ditional love...rather than being
    subjected to Nancy Grace's arrogant
    vindictive, finger-pointing posture
    toward her, this precious woman, Melinda Duckett, would still be alive..and the fact that she is NOT is a crime that needs no
    "proof" of such...at least, that is, by God's standard of what is true righteousness and "justice"!
    My friends, one reading this may not be a Christian, but I can tell you that many suicidal people that I reached out to with Christ's brand of unconditional love wound up saying to me, "had you not cared
    ...not loved me with His love...I would be dead today." Nancy Grace purports to be a Christian and yet she does not have a clue as to what Christ meant when He said,
    "by their FRUIT you will know them
    ...know who is really a Christian"
    because Nancy Grace does not bear that "FRUIT" that Christ said would mark one as belonging to Him
    ...and I say that because the
    "fruit" that Christ was referring to is AGAPE love..which is His un-
    conditional love...which can love BOTH the offender and the offendee
    because His love is capable of loving the "sinner" while, concomi-tantly, hating the sinner's "sin"
    which is a love that is foreign to Nancy Grace...and, because it is
    foreign to her, she makes a mockery
    of our Lord's love despite how many times she blurts out, "Praise the Lord"...the greatest way that one can praise the Lord is to love others...saint and sinner alike...
    like He loves them! Yes, I am with you one hundred percent in what is your mission that His "truthmaypre-vail" and since our Lord is a
    "vindicator" of His truth, I look forward to the day when I celebrate
    WITH YOU the realization of His vindication of His truth and, thereore, concomitantly the vindi-cation of Melinda's innocence!

  6. Every time I think of Capt. Padgett handling evidence without gloves I think I'm going to have a stroke.

    I remain sickened and pissed off forever.

  7. I just caught that Laurie said she was at the police station THE EVENING OF THE REPORTED ABDUCTION. She may not have realized it then but she just incriminated herself with that comment.

    I could understand Josh & Carla hanging around the police station , but what reason do Laurie/Amber/Jason and whomever else have to be there? I think we know the answer to that.

  8. Hmmm

    I have been with Josh & Carla almost every single day since this whole thing began. I was at the PD by 11:00 PM the evening of the reported abduction and never left those first three days until they did.
    I was with Carla and Josh 100% immediately after their home was searched on the evening of 8/27.

    Anyone know what time Carla's home was searched that night? What time did the Duckett clan arrive at the PD? Did LK arrive at the PD after they did, or was she already there staking the place out waiting for them to arrive?

  9. Since we are commenting here about Laurie Konnerth, the keeper of the trust fund, here are her words from a private board about Melinda.

    Without conjecture, I thought I would follow up to give you a more experienced and indepth assessment of Melinda's mental state as coming from someone who knew Melinda personally. I met Melinda within a week after she and Josh began dating and I saw her irratic personality in action many times. Melinda exhibited traits of at least three different disorders, not just BPD.
    While I have confidence in LifeStream Behavorial Center, the diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder was a shallow diagnosis. Below is a list of eight characteristics of this disorder. A person needs 4 or more to be a true OCPD victim. Melinda has 3.
    1. is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost.
    2. shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project because his or her own overly strict standards are not met)
    3. is excessively devoted to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for by obvious economic necessity)
    4. is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification)
    5. is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value
    6. is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things
    7. adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes
    8. shows rigidity and stubbornness
    Obviously, LifeStream could not have evaluated Melinda thoroughly in just 14 hours. She had her best face on and they released her before the required 72 hours expired. They failed her miserably.
    From watching Melinda in action for the last 4 years, it is my opinion that she also had some narcissistic tendencies. Her writings portray how proud herself she was of what she accomplished while being so young, etc., is a perfect example. She felt superior. She also unconsciously lacked self-esteem. She had a self-centered pursuit of dominance and she NEVER regretted what she did....EVER.
    A simpler explanation of the BPD symptoms Melinda revealed are: manipulative, non-trusting, unpredictable and impulsive, inappropriate intense anger or rage, bizarre behavior, emotionally unstable relationships, self-mutilation and suicidal threats and mood swings.
    No, I'm not a licensed psychologist, I just knew the girl. It wasn't until after this horrible final and premeditated act, that I looked into these mental conditions. Everything above fits Melinda to a tee and is not JMO." - Laurie Konnerth

    Definition of the word POMPOUS

    1. one whom of which is full of pomp.
    2. a self absorbed person.
    3. an elitist pig, usually found inflating her/his ego to the point of nausea.
    4. a self proclaimed stately person, commonly found talking down to others whom of which are typically in a higher intelligence quotient bracket.
    5.Someone arrogant enough to start a war in as public a place as his own profile. Also known as a Pompous Ass, or PA, this individual feels he is the Master of Mind Games, but he has yet to meet the true Master...

    …and the definition of "Pompous Ass" above fits Laurie Konnerth to a tee and is not JMO.

  10. Has this Konnerth person taken a polygraph?

  11. LK was not given a polygraph. Neither was Carla Massero or Jason Fort. Only Josh Duckett. There were 5 people in the house when the police came to tell Josh about Trenton. I guess they figured all they had to do was poly one person and that would be a "poly by proxy" for everyone at the house.

  12. I'm suspicious of why Rich Giles has retired and joined Equusearch. He claims wants to look for Trenton's body but now I'm convinced that he knows Trenton is alive. I think he helped the Ducketts hide Trenton.

    I don't think he's really helping Equusearch but planting evidence (ie , the "sonogram" in the dumpster the child's shoe in Ocala forest). I've said before that I though Giles was misled but now I think he's in on it. Who knows how long Laurie had been feeding him lies about Melinda.

  13. The comment made about them finding out about Melinda's suicide "5 minutes after it happened" has me stumped. I highly doubt even Melinda's grandparents had discovered her that quickly, so how is it that THEY already knew? Hmmmm?
