
Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Baby Book - In Honor of Trenton Duckett's 10th Birthday


  1. If the media had continued to follow this story they would have found these things. The AMW site is infuriating , even John Walsh thinks that Melinda is crazy and Josh is a saint. Never mind the fact that he was a prime suspect in Adam's disappearance and murder.

    Had the media been concerned with collecting fact Melinda's name would be cleared and she would be alive now. I hope that this other young woman comes foward so that these monsters can be punished. Fact driven journalism died with Walter Cronkite.

  2. On the 6th page that you posted, (the one that has the true love test bookmark looking thing)the last question in that list is: "Some of the best advice I've heard is", to which Melinda answered, "Boys stick closer to their mother".

    I'll bet in a million years, Melinda could never have imagined at that time, how very true that was. Not only did Joshua leave her & Trenton and run home to mommy 1 time, but did so many times over, and continues to do so even now, at age 24. Talk about being a mommies boy instead of a man, YUCK...

    His mother is a middle aged woman, keeping company and sleeping with a man the same age of Joshua, and Joshua moves women in and out of that house almost like a pimp would a prostitute. There is something seriously wrong with all of this, especially since his own mother allows it.

    And to think that even though Joshua has another child besides Trenton that he has nothing to do with, he's living with his "mommy dearest" and her boy toy with yet another young girl and playing "daddy" to her child, instead of being a man, stepping up to the plate and supporting & caring for his other child.

    If he can afford to help support his girlfriend & her child, he should be supporting his other baby. And if this young mother is taking away from Joshua's other child so he can support hers, then shame on her.

    Someone should report her to DCF, just for being stupid & living with a house full of criminals. I hope she's at least got enough sense to not get pregnant. If she does, I'm sure she'll end up just like the other long list of his heartbreaks and young mothers.

    What in the world do these young girls see in this guy? Afaic, they must be pretty hard up or insecure to settle for so little...

  3. I've wondered if Josh & Carla have an incestuous relationship. I don't use such terms lightly , this does NOT sound like a normal mother/son relationship. He's follwowing in his Mommy's footsteps; I think that Carla has been married 5 times. The husbands probably couldn't deal with the sick , perverted relationship she has with her son.

    If Trenton is alive , I hope he isn't being raised in what amounts to a brothel.

  4. Just to clarify, Carla Roberts married James Aren Duckett in 1977. They knew each other since she was 13. When James was in prison, she divorced him early on, and she married Brian Lee Boggs, who was 10 years her junior.(And most likely "waiting in the wings") She was 27 and he was 17 and she went to his high school prom with him. They were married only a few years (three) and yet she kept the name Boggs for her business, her property and the boys Justin and Joshua attended school under the name Boggs, though they were not adopted. The Eubanks and Melinda both knew him as Joshua Boggs. (His high school yearbook even lists him as Joshua Duckett Boggs.) Carla Boggs married Kevin John Massero (after living with him for years) when Josh turned 18 in 2003. That's when her child support stopped and probably government aid, such as food stamps etc. She kicked Kevin out of her house in December 2005 (cocaine). Jason Fort was living with her and still lives with her. He is 28 and Carla just turned 50 years old August 3, 2009. His mother is Iris Tant Hart Fort Payne. Iris is one of Carla's best friends and attended the same church in Dade City - Northside Baptist Church. Iris is also one of the persons named on the restraining order for harassment against Josh and Melinda. Jason used to ride bikes with Josh. He went to many of the DCF hearings with Carla. He is 6'8" tall, Josh is 6'4". Josh was dating a Katie in Ocala when Trenton went missing. Then 6 months later he got a 17 year old girl pregnant and she had their son November 2007. She lived with him and Carla with the baby but she couldn't take it and moved out. Josh then got a new girlfriend - Debi who is 20 now and has a baby girl. Now that he is trying to get "shared custody" so that he doesn't have to pay child support for his son, he is posting pictures of his son and his girlfriend's daughter, like they are one happy family. Again he's trying to paint a picture. One he's hoping the public will buy. He brags that everyone believes anything he says. He thinks he can get away with anything. And now he has a truck plastered with missing children's pictures, and advertising for the scam of this decade, Kidfinders Network, and in my opinion, the truck fits him perfectly. He has stated that his ambition in life is to be a porno king. And his truck looks like it was designed by Pimp My Ride. Suits him to a T.

  5. I'd like to comment on the baby book. What you can't see, on the news video where Nancy Eubank shows the baby book and the pictures here, are all the momentos in the sleeves of the pages. There are many greeting cards, cards that were attached to flowers, all kinds of things - memories. If you look through the book you will recognize the baby picture in the trash, and the sonogram(s). Don't you think that that "collage" was placed there by the handful of people, who were given these pictures for keepsakes, to point an accusatory finger at Melinda so she would be the prime suspect in this case? But who tried to take custody of this baby away from Melinda many times over? That's motive. Melinda was awarded sole custody. Melinda had recorded Josh's agreement in her property settlement agreement to never try to get custody of Trenton again. She filed her divorce papers. She had child support awarded to her. Where's her motive to disappear Trenton? There is none.

  6. *sigh* People are going to be angry once that Trenton is found alive and they continued to collect donation money. Like you MTP , I suspect that they know where he is and aren't telling anyone. Do you have a LJ? Because on mine I've written about this case; I friends-locked said posts because I didn't want to deal with people leaving nasty comments.

  7. Princess
    I don't know what "LJ" stands for. I don't have anything locked. I've only had one negative post on here which is still there.
    I have refrained from opinion (other than in my comments) and backed up what I am presenting with written documents. Bill and Nancy Eubank have a library of documents. He is putting together Melinda's financial records to refute the false charge of her stealing $10,000. She didn't ever mention having Richard Giles come to her house back in April 2006. She would have notated it somewhere, in her agenda, or on her myspace or in a convo with her grandparents. Nothing. The grandparents are concerned that Leesburg police are going to relinquish Melinda's computer to CNN. CNN attorneys have requested it for their lawsuit.
