
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The BOA Charge is BS


  1. There was never a warrant issued for her arrest, all her financial records were gone over with a fine tooth comb. "Someone" wanted to put Melinda Duckett in jail. Can't imagine why? Oh, maybe custody of Trenton?

  2. Any bank tellers reading this? Sounds to me like the depositor didn't put all that cash in the bag and added a zero by mistake. Anyone ever have to fill out a form for $10,000 plus in cash? When I was a teller, you couldn't even make the deposit on the computer without filling out that form first. And this was done at the drive thru!

  3. What bank in the world does NOT have video survelliance at every point in the bank where transactions take place? In my town, which is much smaller than the one in this report, you can't even go into the bathroom without video capturing you going in and you coming out.

    On the 1st page you posted, the offense date is listed as 12/30/2005. Now go to the 3rd page, 3rd paragraph. LE typed up the report that lists the offense date as 12/30/2006. Melinda committed suicide on Sept. 9th, 2006. I guess this was a simple typo made on an official report? I guess if you live in that area, criminal complaints don't have to have all their i's dotted and t's crossed and the judges hearing the case in court would simply say oopps, you made a mistake in your report but that's ok, I'll find the person guilty anyway. And why is it that every person that called LE to get a copy of this so called report via Fl's Sunshine Law, had to speak with 1 certain individual, give certain personal info about themselves, and then still couldn't get the copy?

    Aren't there special rules at banks that apply to cash deposits over $10,000? (see http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=159755,00.html) Since the irs requires special reporting, shouldn't there have been someone in the bank that had to sign off on this transaction?

    What about this/these "customers"? Was it normal for them to make deposits of this amount? How often did they make deposits? Do they have any sort of criminal record? How long had it taken these "customers" to accumulate this much money? It would seem to me that a MHP, unless extremely large, couldn't possibly take in this much money at one time, but that's just me.

    Bank of America has long had problems within their own organization. If the facts of this criminal complaint were true, why didn't the police use this as a way to arrest Melinda when they started to suspect her of Trenton's disappearance. They could have used this as a way to get her in their custody, and press her for more info about what happened with Trenton. This is done everyday, over & over in many crimes. Don't have enough evidence to arrest a person on one crime, you find something else legitimate to arrest them on to get them into custody.

    And what about the "money trail"? If Melinda had indeed stolen all this money, where did it go? She had credit cards she could have paid off, yet she died owing balances on all of them. She had just applied for State Assistance because she lost her job, her grandparents were helping to pay her bills, so where did the money go? And if Bank of America and the police really thought she had taken this money, why close the case after her death? Why not sue her estate instead?

    As far as I'm concerned, this paperwork proves nothing. A customer makes a complaint, nobody else was working with Melinda at the time even though there are special rules for large transactions of this type, no video surveillance was available even though most banks have almost every inch of their property under surveillance, paperwork from LE not even properly filled out and only released to the public months after Melinda's suicide. I guess this couldn't be something as simple as Melinda, like every other human being on this earth, simply made a mistake. Imo, if it looks like a "Duck" and walks like a "Duck" and acts like a "Duck", most likely it was just a "Duck"...

  4. Something dawned on me today. It's about Melinda's suicide. It's really difficult to commit suicide with a shotgun , particularly for a small woman like Melinda. And it's mighty suspicious that she would be found in her grandparents closet.

    It's possible that when these set ups didn't work Carla & Josh killed Melinda and made it look like a suicide. Maybe Josh should be investigated for murder as well. Carla and/or Josh either murdered Melinda or paid someone to do their bidding. If these people were evil enough to try get their own son/grandson put in foster care (all to avoid paying $212 a month in child support) then they are capable of anything.

  5. A little part of me still wonders about "suicide". Two gun shots, one in the upper wall of the closet and the other in her skull. Was she testing the gun? Neighbors said they never heard a shot, no less two shots. And the note on the kitchen counter: a yellow sticky note to Nanny and Poppy that said, I'm taking a nap, I'll eat when I get up.

  6. The first thing a bank checks when there is a cash discrepancy is if the difference can be divided by the number 9. $10,800 was the difference and that can be divided by the number 9. The $12000.01 was entered as 1200.01. That's a difference of $10,800. Melinda would have had a lot of cash to count and enter into the computer, I'm sure it wasn't all $100 bills. The customer made the mistake of too many zero's when adding the .01to make the dollar amount of the deposit and even amount, since it included checks. Tellers don't add checks. Melinda counted the money and it was $1,200.01 and circled the cash amount as what she received she didn't steal anything.
