
Friday, May 17, 2013

The Affidavit of Richard E. Giles

As part of Josh Duckett's attempts to have the Injunction for Protection removed from the court because it was prohibiting him from persuing a career in LE (he's a pest control employee) he asked lead detective (and family friend on facebook) to write a statement for the judge's approval.

This affidavit was part of the complete Injunction for Protection file. Here it is below with my notes:

Since the "post" was NOT a "post" but a PRIVATE MESSAGE that could only be seen on MySpace by the sender and the recipient (all of us who have Facebook and MySpace are familiar with messages as opposed to posts), I can't help but wonder...
How in Hell was Josh Duckett notified at his place of employment by a friend when the POST APPEARED ON THE NETWORK???????????